There is no single viewpoint of the world.
I, Itsuki Koizumi, certainly know that having a subjective viewpoint is a vague, unreliable notion.
Let’s say, for instance, that I want to look up at the night sky.
We can only hope that the celestial bodies that seem to be floating amiably next to each other, on the false spherical surface of the sky, remain coldly separated by thousands of light years, in their own infinitely deep universes.
In this real space composed of multiple layers, making inferences based on just one person’s subjective opinion is highly comparable with the Church in medieval times which punished Galileo, and is a horribly irrational thing to do.
Of course, I understand that that irrationality is good news to the world.
It is only because of surrealistic ideas of the supernatural entity known as Haruhi Suzumiya that balance can be maintained, albeit by a thin thread, in this world where aliens, time travelers and espers run rampant.
There is one person other than Suzumiya-san positioned in the center of this star’s mantle.
A human who walks freely and frankly on the ground while living a life that has absurdly deep meaning, and at the same time has absolutely no meaning, estranged from subjectivity and objectivity.
He is an observer who uses a distinct sense of language to coat the canvas of the night sky beautifully with glittering stars spread widely throughout the universe.
He had probably produced that gap intentionally.
He is known as Kyon – but it is not in my taste to call him by that name.
I shall refer to that person simply as “him”. In this brilliantly special, simplified world, there is no more fitting subject to call by a pronoun rather than by a proper noun.
“I don’t have any powers at all.”
That is his usual mode of self-effacement.
Let us leave aside the judgment on whether that is right or wrong. After all, a subjective view has its roots in a person’s outlook on the world, and it is impossible for two person’s perceptions to rub together without exerting a force comparable to that of completely destroying a star.
That being said – is it a good thing to leave the ground once in a while to take a sightseeing flight?
Also, I pray that the states of other universes that can be seen from our star, no matter how few of them there are, can be transmitted to us.
This story that I am about to tell you is, at the end of the day, simply for the sake of that purpose.